Learner identity and learning trajectories in secondary education:
curricular policies, pedagogic practices, and students’ social contexts.
Project presentation
Despite the worldwide expansion of education, multiple exclusions continue to deny the right to quality education for all. School failure, Early School Leaving, and different forms of school disengagement affect numerous young people around the globe, particularly from the most disadvantaged social groups. One of the factors that explains this situation is the lack of meaning that students attribute to the form and content of school learning, a fact that emphasizes the importance of the student’s bond with the learning process. Despite this, the subjective dimension of learning has been a largely overlooked in previous research.
LEARNER aims to understand how the students’ learner identity is shaped through the articulation of different learning experiences and trajectories during secondary education. Simultaneously, it examines the influence of varying curricular policies, pedagogical practices, and social contexts on the formation of these identities.
The project is relevant and innovative as it aims at approaching learning inequalities by locating the students and their subjective relationships to learning at the very center of the analysis. Furthermore, it provides a holistic approach that combines curricular, pedagogic, and social/personal dimensions into the study of the learner identity that incorporates transformations over time.
Project support
LEARNER is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under the competitive R+D Call 2022 (Project reference: PID2022-140783NB-I00). The project will run for four years (September 2023 to September 2027), it is coordinated by the GEPS research center at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and led by Prof. Aina Tarabini as principal investigator. It counts with more than 15 investigators (see Team) from three areas of knowledge (Sociology of education, Psychology of education and Educational sciences) from five Spanish Universities: Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), University of Barcelona (UB), Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and University of Extremadura (UEX).

Project objectives
The general objective of LEARNER is to investigate the impact of curricular policies, pedagogical practices, and students’ social contexts in the construction of the learner identity through the articulation of different learning experiences and trajectories during secondary education.